It Takes a Community

Ever heard the old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”? Well here at FCSS we truly believe it takes a community and our service in Dundee is proud to play an active part in its community.

We are a community service and take pride in belonging, sharing, living and growing with our friends and neighbours.

We take part in community events, get involved in fundraising…including our sponsorship of Radio Tay’s 500 Faces and make great use of the facilities in our community. We visit the library, lots of local parks, enjoy the McManus Galleries, the Maggie’s Penguin Parade and of course trips to the shops to buy our fresh fruit for snack.

Boy playing on cargo net in playpark

We love to travel in our community and make great use of bus services giving us the opportunity to talk about the places we see, to think about how we stay safe and to problem solve as we plan our journeys.

This week we’ve had lots of fun on the adventure trail in our local park, we can climb, balance, run and jump with confidence. We can practice taking risks in a controlled environment developing our confidence and our ability to make safe decisions.

Its truly does take a community and we are all proud to be part of the community in our caring city.