The Board
FCSS is governed by an experienced board of trustees. They are responsible for the strategic management of FCSS, they control and supervise our activities, set a vision for the organisation, and run FCSS in a way that will achieve these aims.

Pauline Hinchion
Board Member at FCSS and Executive Director at Scottish Communities Finance Ltd
Hi, my name is Pauline.
In my day job I am the Executive Director at Scottish Communities Finance Ltd. An organisation that helps social and community enterprises to raise investment so they can realise their aspirations and visions for a better society. I have been involved in the third sector for more years than I care to remember, operating at all levels within different organisations.
What matters to me is that people are given the opportunity to be what they want to be. That has to start as early as possible with our children and personal financial situations should not be a barrier to a successful life.
I joined the Board at FCSS for a number of reasons, because they are a social enterprise trying to make life better for people: because they are delivering much needed childcare within communities throughout Scotland: because they are developing new products and services that puts them at the forefront of innovation and IT approaches that meet the needs of parents.
Most people don’t know that I used to be a champion Irish Step Dancer, those were the days!

Patrick Woods
Board Member at FCSS
Hi, my name is Patrick Woods
In my day job I advise and coach suppliers to the financial community on matters relating to the development of their business models and how they can seek to maximise the quality of interaction with customers.
What matters to me is making a positive contribution to whatever it is I am doing.
I joined the Board at FCSS because my daughter inspired me to realise that my energy and skill set would be appreciated and utilised in this very important sector of our economy.
Here’s something not many people know about me:
I once played the lead role in a musical involving four performances on consecutive nights at a major international Amateur Drama Festival.

Kevin Cadman
Chair of the Board at FCSS and former Regional Director for Central Scotland at Royal Bank of Scotland
Hi, my name is Kevin Cadman.
In my day job I used to work in Royal Bank of Scotland for 30 years, latterly as Regional Director for Central Scotland. I then took up the role of Chief Executive of a new charity for 5 years until I retired in 2018 – early retirement that is!! With my increased spare time I want to use my experience to support other organisations to improve and develop, I have been a Board Director of OPFS for over 10 years and have recently taken up positions of Director and Treasurer of both Scottish Community Finance and the Scottish Community Reinvestment Trust which support in the advice and funding of community initiatives across Scotland.
What matters to me is everybody within society is given the opportunity to be the best that they can be.
I joined the Board at FCSS because I want to use my experience in banking and of setting up a new charity to support the growth and development of this exciting new charity to help more and more people across Scotland.
For fun I like to travel! My wife and I are now addicted to travel since retiring and spend as much time as possible in the sun!
Here’s something not many people know about me; cars are my passion and for the last 27 years, when time has allowed, the care and restoration of my now classic ‘Deux Chevaux’ Citroen 2CV is the priority. Never taken out in the wet – a challenge in Scotland!! – but great fun on a sunny day and now very rare on the roads, which makes people smile and wave!!

Sally Cavers
Board Member at FCSS and Fund Manager at Inspiring Scotland
Hi, my name is Sally.
In my day job I am the Fund Manager for the Learning Disabilities Fund at Inspiring Scotland.
What matters to me is respect, trust and equity. I think we have great services and support networks in Scotland but it worries me that not every child who needs them gets them. I think there are some things we need to do differently to secure better outcomes for all children and young people.
I joined the Board at FCSS because I admire the vision and aims of the organisation. I am involved in a childcare project in Glasgow and conscious of the fact that flexibility is key to making some fundamental changes to the provision of childcare. FCSS seems to me to be built on innovation and shifting the way services are designed and delivered.
For fun I like to bake and be crafty, I love to make things with my son and daughter or for them!
Want to join the board?
We are looking for new Board Directors who share our passion about the importance of flexible childcare. You will bring knowledge, experience and skills to support our strategic development, growth and diversification. Knowledge and experience of the charity and voluntary sector, especially early learning and childcare, is welcome but not essential. However we are looking for experienced and dedicated individuals who may have experience of finance; HR; Business management; strategic and partnership development; commissioning and contracting; advocacy, social care and health services would be especially useful.