Chief Executive
FCSS Head Office
Susan has a long and varied career in the early education and childcare sector and brings with her lots of skills, knowledge and exciting ideas for extending and enhancing our services.
Susan is a mum to three daughters and used traditional nursery and out of school services for their care as they were growing up. Whilst the settings Susan used for her family’s care were fab the standard booking patterns for the care required were always a frustration. In Susan’s words:
It’s so hard as working parents to get the balance right. You need to work, you need good quality care services, but you also want the flexibility to spend time with your children when working life allows. Traditional nursery booking patterns don’t provide the flexibility to do this, at least not without ending up paying for time you don’t need! This is why the Flexible Childcare Services Scotland model excites me so much, parents can book exactly what they need, when they need it, children get great quality early learning and care and employers have access to a workforce that can work when they are needed… I wish I had access to this kind of service when my girls were younger.
When she’s not busy developing great childcare services Susan loves to keep fit, she’s a regular at her local gym, enjoys obstacle course racing and is often seen out running the trails with her dog as they take part in fun canicross sessions around the country. Susan’s motto in life is “Do More of What You Love” and with her days full of childcare development planning, time with her family and fitness activities she’s certainly living her beliefs.