Head of Quality Assurance and Best Practice
Lesley is the Head of Quality Assurance and Best Practice at FCSS, prior to this role she has been focused on Early Years for over 30 years. She is committed to being a part of making Scotland “the best place in the world to grow up, and to give all our children the best possible start in life.”
Lesley will be working closely with all the FCSS managers to support them in understanding quality assurance and best practice and how the monitoring and auditing has a significant positive impact on their services, which will support shaping the lives of our children and young people.
Lesley has been with FCSS since its inception and has seen the service develop from a bright idea to a wonderful childcare provision.
An advocate of fresh food Lesley loves to cook in her spare time and has a bountiful supply of fresh veggies from her husband’s allotment to use in her recipes.
When she’s not running our childcare service or creating delicious meals Lesley can be found enjoying a cuppa and the company of her pet dog, Percy.