Floor books – recording the voices and choices of children

by Richlove Melody

I’ve been at FCSS for more than 6 months and it’s been great to see how children have a natural gift of bringing joy wherever they go. Their energy lights up a room, and they’re always busy creating special memories. But what they really love is being given the freedom to do what makes them happy. 

A recent visit to our Fintry Mains Nursery in Dundee gave me the opportunity to catch a glimpse of their floor books. Floor books capture all the fun and learning that happens at nursery. They’re full of memories: sensory play, mealtimes, gardening, arts and crafts, building with blocks, and so much more.  

Floor books have a wide range of benefits. Aside creating a lasting record of children’s activities in nursery for children, parents, teachers, and others to enjoy, they also serve as a valuable tool for practitioners. By revisiting past activities, practitioners can build on what children already know and continue meeting learning objectives in future sessions. 

Beyond recording what children do, floor books capture what children think and feel. Practitioners can make the content interactive by using speech bubbles to document conversations, thoughts, and questions, providing insight into children’s emotions and perspectives during activities. Photos of children during activities also reveal their feelings through their facial expressions and body language, offering a deeper understanding of their experiences. Whether it’s how they felt about a messy play or what they thought while creating a colourful craft, it’s all there in floor books, giving a real experience.  

Floor books are also a fantastic way to support child-led learning. What makes them so special is that they capture the children’s own voices, their thoughts and ideas as they happen. With this, children are able to build initiatives, work independently or effectively in a team. All these increase their self-esteem and motivation.  

Looking through the floor books at our Fintry Mains Childcare & Community Hub in Dundee was heartwarming. Each page was alive with children’s voices and memories, beautifully capturing their experiences. It was more than just a lovely sight, it was a celebration of childhood; full of imagination, curiosity, and joy. Children are always free to have a look through them and reflect on beautiful experiences they’ve had at nursery.  

Here’s what our service manager at our Fintry Mains Childcare & Community Hub in Dundee says about floor books: “Our children and practitioners take great pride in their floor books as it is a great way to document their learning and development in addition to individual observations. The children are actively encouraged to participate in the floor books so they can reflect on their learning at our setting. Floor books are also shared with parents, carers and visitors so we can share the ongoing learning happening in our Nursery.” 

If you ever get the chance to explore a floor book, you’ll find it’s not just a record of what happened at nursery; it’s a whole package creating long-lasting memories of children’s thoughts, feelings, and adventures, preserved for everyone to enjoy. 

Here are some tips to create a very engaging floor book. 

  1. Select a structure and theme for your floor book.  
  1. Discuss guidelines with children on how to contribute through drawings, captions, and handling the book responsibly. 
  1. Include dated photos, captions, observations, and space for both children’s and practitioner’s reflections on activities. 
  1. Use speech bubbles to document conversations, thoughts, questions, and predictions, making the book interactive and engaging. 
  1. Ensure every child contributes by keeping a list and checking off their participation to give all children a voice.