STV Children’s Appeal Live Show

We had a wonderful night at the STV Children’s Appeal Live Show. Working in early learning and childcare is great fun, it’s rewarding, we have great colleagues and a government committed to making our country the best place to grow up…what is can’t often be described as is glamorous or giving opportunity to mix with media personalities but recently we’ve had two occasions to do just that. The first our attendance at the Tay FM 500 Faces gala evening then last Friday we were lucky enough to be invited to the STV Children’s Appeal Live Show Party in Dundee! We were of course delighted to accept this invitation and had a wonderful night at the event.

We were celebrating all the fantastic fundraising efforts of 2018 and were there for the big reveal at the end of the night. Filming took place throughout the whole night and it was an amazing way to celebrate everyone’s hard work throughout the year! STV is one of our major funders and to be invited to share with other charities that have had money donated to them was fabulous. The STV Children’s Appeal was created by The Hunter Foundation and STV in 2011 when they joined forces to raise funds to make a real difference to those who need it most. The Appeal provides practical help like food and warm clothes; creating opportunities for training and employability; and enabling social and emotional support. Since 2011 the Appeal has managed to raise over £16.3 million and provided much needed support to over 67,000 children across Scotland.

We really believe the way to make Scotland the best place to grow up is to work collaboratively as part of a community with other organisations, families and children to create services that are responsive, safe and nurturing. It was great to catch up with our peers from across Dundee and the surrounding areas as we celebrated the great works funded by the STV Children’s Appeal.