Coronavirus Update

Following the recent announcement that the UK is now in the delay phase of the Coronavirus situation and the decision that anyone displaying symptoms should self-isolate for 7 days.

We are now informing you that if you or your child has a temperature or a new, continuous cough, you/your child (as relevant) must self-isolate for 7 days.

Other family members in the household should self isolate for 14 days even if they have no symptoms. If the other family member develops symptoms during this time they must continue to self isolate for 7 days from the start of symptoms, even if this takes them over the 14 days.

This applies to our children and young people and the staff members working in our services and it is very important that your child does not attend if they have a temperature of 37.8°C or higher, or a new continuous cough.

If your child develops any of these symptoms whilst in our care we will contact you and ask that you collect them and keep them at home for the next seven days. We are aware that this will not be easy but it is absolutely necessary if we are to protect everyone attending our service as much as possible.

The same rule will apply to our team members and we are aware that this may cause staffing issues and may result in different staff being on duty. We will of course do our best to maintain continuity at all times but have to follow the national guidance on this.

In addition we will cancel trips to areas where there is a high volume of people or there are vulnerable people on site and our management teams will cancel any non-essential meetings.

The situation is changing rapidly, and we will update you as often as possible and certainly whenever we have to make a change in our operational plans. You can find further information on the steps needed to protect you and your family at:

We will do our best to keep our services open and operating and to minimise disruption for all and we thank you for your support in this.

Should you have any further questions you can call us during our usual operating hours, send us an email or speak to service managers/staff when you next drop off or collect your child. Alternatively you can email our Head Office team on